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Relax, its about being good to your soul...

You've worked hard,

You've shown up,

You've helped to the best of your ability

You've been there for other people

You've taken care of things, gotten things done.

Now its time for you...


Relax and take time out of your busy life for YOU! Whether you are a mom or dad of human children or fur babies or whether you are a single person and none of these.

Giving yourself time to relax, recharge, revitalize and nourish your spirit is not self indulgent, it is self preservation and contributes to being more productive.

Give yourself some breathing space from the distractions, dramas and demands of life, family, work, home & relationships. Give yourself time to think things through or just to be.

When my children were young and in grade school, one of the things I did after school had ended for the year was just to allow a week or two before sending them off to summer programs and camps to relax, to not have a schedule. Its ok to do that for ourselves too.

"Doing nothing often leads to the very best of something."
from Winnie the Pooh

As adults, we work all week and as the weekend comes there is a whole list of things that "need to get done" for maintaining the household or caring for children (including fur babies). I find as I get into my older years that I need a full day to just relax and decompress. And sometimes I simultaneously feel exhausted and guilty for not being more productive and getting things done because I only have these two days. If I give myself that day, the next one I feel better and am more productive. It comes with the wisdom of pacing yourself and not everything has to get done NOW.

We have to allow for the fact that we are not meant to spend life as a human doing. We recharge our phones, computers and other devices, we also need to recharge ourselves with more than just sleep.

When we are troubled by fears, worries, dramas going on in our personal life or the world. Taking the time to relax and just breathe helps us tune in to our intuition, to be with our feelings for a moment helps them to move through. It is an important part of taking care of our own well being.

  • Stop, take time to just breath.

  • Listen to your favorite music

  • Get outside in nature

  • Journal

  • Take a bath or have a spa treatment

  • Read a book

  • Spend some time alone

Relaxing doesn't mean being or becoming lazy, ignoring your responsibilities or obligations. It about taking care of your body, your inner being, your emotional self so that you can be more present and productive in the world.


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