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Calling on Angels...

Its not just for holiday postcards but a reminder for the times.

Whether the unrest is personal, global or political. It's never too late or too silly to call on angels, I specifically have worked with the Archangels as my go to over the last 20 years for help with personal and global peace and generally to uplift and inspire and heal. They always deliver. In this blog today and some future ones, I share with you some uplifting message I received.

A message I received back in 2005 when I had called in the Archangel Jeremiel...but it is just as true today.

"We can tell you that you will begin to see in your world much gallantry. A return to the behavior of gallantry and doing the right things for the right reasons. Put your faith in the goodness of humanity. You are all sons and daughters of the Creator and you have within you such power.
Your world will suffer through some changes, some of them will be geographical changes. But you will see many who will put aside their idiosyncrasies, who will put aside their pettiness and allow their hearts to open and care about their fellow human beings. For you are all from spirit and you are all family.
You will see many changes in your world, in the way you think about and use money, the way you run your schools and in the way your government needs to behave and function. Your government (USA) will still continue to be a leader in the world as it demonstrates how change can be so beneficial to a society. These are changes for the better my dears. It will eliminate the divisions in your society between classes. It will allow for everyone to live fulfilled with plenty to eat, plenty to drink, good food to eat, good water to have, and good homes to live in. Much of your poverty will be eliminated.
Continue to use your imaginations to see an abundant world, to see everyone as happy, as healthy, as abundant. Do not fear these changes, my dears. You, each and every one of you is an integral part of these changes. As you bring YOUR love and insights to the world, don't hold back your greatness!
We angels give you many blessings, you receive many blessings just by having asked us for our help. We wish you to know that you are very, very, dearly loved and honored for what you do here. It is our greatest pleasure to give you blessings, it is our greatest service to help you in your times of need."

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