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I'm Pat Rainville

Life Coach, Reiki Master, Spiritual Intuitive

For 20 years I have been providing readings, reiki treatments, meditation circles and connecting people with the angelic and spiritual realms in a safe space.


I enjoy encouraging and guiding people to develop their own intuitive abilities


A More Peaceful Life is Within Reach

Readings, Coaching to uplift and inspire

What I Specialize In

Angel Readings

Developing Intuition

Adopt a Peaceful Lifestyle

Working with Archangels

Personal Coaching

The Journey Towards Greater Peace Begins on the Path of Self Love. Begin Your Journey Today.

​I had a reading and what I would say a very powerful healing with Pat. The experience I had was amazing Pat was able to get quickly to the root of my question and bring forth beautiful messages that brought healing clarity and understanding. A reading with Pat is a treat you need to give to yourself.

~ Ron Schaefer

 I have known Pat for several years, she is a great reader and someone I trust.  She is kind, caring, compassionate and professional in her spiritual work.  She has given me readings on occasion which were positive, uplifting, giving me insight I needed.  Pat also has a gift of healing which comes through naturally when delivering messages from Spirit and the angelic realm.  I highly recommend Pat and her services, you will not be disappointed.

~Christine Halliwell

Pat is wonderful, she has read for me a few times and each time she has provided a lot of insights and direction. It's been funny to be taking stock of the good things that are happening and then remembering that "oh yeah, this is just how Pat said it would happen". I definitely recommend her services. She's insightful and lovely to talk to as well.

~Christina McCaffrey


Psychic readings are for entertainment purposes only.  Its important to understand that psychic readings are not a substitute for medical, psychological, legal or financial advice.  Clients are responsible for their own decisions and actions and should seek professional assistance for any concerns in these areas.  Our readings are intended for personal insight and spiritual guidance only. We do not guarantee the accuracy or outcome of any psychic reading.

Lets Get Started

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